Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Finally an update

I'll admit I'm lame! I've needed to post an update but just haven't been able to find the motivation or my 'happy place', so I wanted to wait until I had a better attitude before I posted an update. I went back to my doctor last Friday (2/8). Turns out, even after all of the blood work he still doesn't know if my tumor is hormone-producing or not. My body is definitely producing too much hormone, but he said he doesn't know if the tumor is producing it, or if the tumor is pressing on tissues that are producing it. SO. He started me on a medication that will: a) shrink the tumor if it's hormone-producing; or b)counter-act the extra hormones that my body is producing. The side effects of the medication are lovely. In some cases it can cause heart-valve problems AND it can cause nausea/vomitting. SO far it HAS caused nausea and I don't like it!!! I take it every 4th day (as I'm going to bed) and the morning after taking it I am sick, sick, SICK. The doctor said that with the small dose I'm on I shouldn't have to worry about heart-valve problems, but I will have to have an EKG at my next appt to make sure I'm not having any problems. While I appreciate the fact that it shouldn't cause any problems, the fact that it could cause problems bugs me! I guess I was having a pity-party because it wasn't the news I wanted to hear. I wanted to go in and have the doctor look at me and tell me that there was nothing wrong with me and to go home. I KNOW that it could be so much worse and I'm grateful to God for the many blessings in my life, one of which is my health (minus the silly little growth that decided to take up residency in my brain). I'm lucky that of all that is going on I'm surrounded by great friends and family who love me unconditionally. So for now, I will continue this medication and have bloodwork in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and an MRI in 6 months to see if the tumor is shrinking. It WILL be shrinking...I just know it :) I don't know how many of you know, but rainbows are special to me. After my Dad passed away and then my Mom, I always knew they were thinking about me when I would see a rainbow. As I was writing this post one of my best friends in the entire world sent this to me: How's THAT for a sign from above?!?!